She’s an icon. Colourful. Bold. Feminine. Strong. Independent. Single Minded. Creative. Resourceful.
I was creating a new bloom – a sculpture with a twiggy twig and dozens of dried up pink petals from an unrelated flower. They went together easily. The billowy curvaceous folds of pink fabric grabbed magnetically. They belonged together. On the studio table, the shapely petals lay lifeless and drab, but adorning the twig, and under lights, they sprang to life! They added form to the structure; they gave figure and purpose.
The resulting sculpture was so powerful I was almost overwhelmed. Looking at it through the macro lense of my camera where I could see every line, every shadow and the magic that was the whole creation. I felt almost visited by the presence of someone. The character was large, playful, encouraging and persistent. Who was it? Who did this ebullient ephemeral sculputre bring to mind?
Iris Apfel